September 9 – November 26 2017

John’s painting of ” A Murder of Crows” was selected to be part of this year’s prestigious exhibit of world-class bird art at the Leigh Yawkey Woods Art Museum. His painting will no doubt be a “show-stopper” with it’s bright yellow crime scene tape custom built into the frame! John found these dead birds and felt it would make an interesting statement with a theme of Tragic Beauty.
BIRDS IN ART Exhibition Wausau, WI
Thanks! I will be reactivating my post soon.
Hi, John, recently found two of your bird studies as I was cleaning out a closet; so I took them be reframed. They are from 1974-76. One is a hawk owl and gray jay and the other is a snipe. This prompted me to search your whereabouts and came across the lovely coastal array of gull and terns. Are there prints or originals available of this? Thank-you, Pam (Anchorage, AK )